Monday, December 30, 2013

Android Rooting/Flashing Basics Explained as Easy as A-B-C.

Android Rooting/Flashing Basics Explained as Easy as A-B-C.

So you're reading this because you finally gathered the courage to "modify" your phone. Maybe you thought that forfeiting your warranty wasn't so bad anyway, or maybe it's over anyways. 
**NOTE: Most of these "modification" processes are reversible, so you can always claim back your warranty should something goes awry.

Going back,  you're probably wanting to do something off-limits to your phone that's why you're wanting to root it, or perhaps you're just plain bored and just want to unlock your little friend's full potential. Then you're in the right place! All those technical terms would be explained very easily your dog would be rooting his Android too.

First, let's define "rooting". 
--It's basically the process of "unshackling" your phone. Manufacturers by default put limits on how phones are modified because of the risk involved. Now it's your turn to remove those restrictions and to customize your phones in anyway you want (at your own risk of course). It's basically the same as "Jailbreaking" as on iPhones, except that Jailbreaking is more associated with pirated games and "Rooting" on Android is more on UI/performance modifications. 

**NOTE: Android has these "apk" files same as "exe" on Windows that act as installers for applications. You can install these on your Android phone (legit copy or not) right away even if you're not rooted. Just have to enable a checkbox on the Settings part of your phone. (Security>Allow installation from unknown sources).

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